WW1 Centenary

World War One Centenary

At the time of writing (December 2014) the Centenary of the Outbreak of World War One has passed and has resulted in many poignant moments of national memory not least November 11th and the moving display of ceramic poppies at the Tower of London. The Society in its way has already made a contribution to the Centenary and plans much more over the forthcoming years.

Back in 2012 the Society Trustees decided that our Centenary Project would be about education. The Society’s Education Project is designed to involve a wider and younger audience in the Badges Story. The purpose being to secure the long term future of these locally funded National War Memorials. With the help of the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Society has already:

The Trustees of The Fovant Badges Society would like to express their appreciation to the students and staff of The History Department of Southampton University, particularly Professor Neil Gregor. We are equally appreciative of the students and staff of The Media Studies Department of Southampton Solent University, in particular Paul Marchbank Head of Department. We thank them all for their contribution of time and skill.

The Society intends to continue and enhance the education project over the next four years. Part 2 of our Centenary Project involves widening the scope of the project to include:

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